Monday, April 25, 2011

It's kinda dusty in here

As you can see by the fact that there's been years between posts on this blog, I don't update this one very much. I figure I'll keep it around to post things that don't really fit on Tales or After Hours, but don't expect to see this one updated with any regularity.

If you want a schedule, go see the other two, especially After Hours.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Good Morning

Hey there, nice to see you. Many moons ago, so many that I'd rather not try and count 'em, I was on a swim team. I wasn't very good at much of it seemed artificial. I'm sure that backstroke, butterfly, and breaststroke all have some noble history to them, but to me they felt awkward and inefficient.

Ah, but there was one event I was good at: the good old fashioned Freestyle, where you just say "To Hell with it!" and go swim.

This, then, is Freestyle Thinking, a place for me to set down what I'm thinking about when I feel like talking about it. No rules, no format. I might be talking about politics and war one day and the state of the comic book industry the next. Maybe it’s what I saw on TV last night, or some deep philosophical thought I had in the shower in the morning.

In all likelihood, this blog will update at random. Its freestyle, and that means I don't feel compelled to stick to a publishing structure out of duty. After a while that just feels like work, and I'm already working eight hours a day, five days a week. I'll do this blog when I feel like it, and not a moment before.

So wander by when the spirit moves you. If something I say makes you think, feel free to comment about it. If not, that's okay too. This is setting my thoughts down in electrons. Whether anyone reads or not really isn't the point.

Thanks for stopping by, regardless.